APA State Meet
An Endowment Trust Life Membership is $395.00
Please visit our website for details regarding your membership, what you will receive as a member of the APA and information on how the Points Program works for you.
Open Show Awards
A minimum of five (5) master Exhibitor Award Points will be awarded to any qualified win in the Open Show.
APA medals for Show Champion and Reserve Show Champion.
APA ribbons are awarded for the following Class Champions.
LARGE CHICKENS: American, Asiatic, English, Mediterranean, Continental, All Other Standard Breeds
BANTAM CHICKENS: Modern Game, Game, Single Comb Clean Legged, Rose Comb Clean Legged, Feather Legged, All Other Comb Clean Legged.
DUCKS: Heavy, Medium, Light, Bantam • GEESE: Heavy, Medium, Light
Junior Show Awards
An APA ribbon will be awarded for the following Champions shown by a Junior Exhibitor in the Junior Show.
American Poultry Association, Inc.
Secretary: Becky Weaver
PO Box 205 Landisville, PA 17538
ABA State Meet
Ribbons to Champion and Reserve Champion Bantam
A free listing plus a Bantam Buck is provided in the upcoming ABA Yearbook for all Best and Reserve of the seven bantam classes with a minimum of 25.
Star pins will be awarded to all wins in classes of 100 or more.
All wins in Classes of 100 or more will be denoted with a star * and be retained in the ABA records to accumulate towards the Master Exhibitor, Master Breeder, and Lifetime Achievement awards.
- Only ABA members are eligible to compete for the above awards.
- Dues are $20.00 per year $50.00 for three years.
- New members receive a copy of the quarterly and the latest available copy of the Annual American Bantam Association Year
- Book which lists many advertisers and includes a complete breed and variety index. Winners of ABA awards are listed in the year book under Who’s Who in Bantams.
Starred wins are earned in classes of 100 or more in the following:
- Champions and Reserve Champions in the seven bantam divisions.
- Best and Reserve of Breed and Variety.
- Display when 7 or more bantam displays are shown.
- Best and Reserve Display when 10 or more bantam displays are shown.
- Best and Reserve Trio when 30 or more trios are shown by 4 of more exhibitors.
- A single bird is eligible for only one award and can earn only one starred win.
*****Awards are subject to change.
In order to take part in any of these meets, register for our event either by downloading the attached form below, or use our online form at the link below: