Ameraucana Alliance Club State Meet
Please visit our website and Ameraucana Forum:
In Open Show competition, with three or more birds in a class we offer …
- a ribbon for Best of Breed bantam
- a ribbon for Reserve of Breed bantam
- a ribbon for Best of Breed large fowl
- a ribbon for Reserve of Breed large fowl
In Junior competition, we offer …
- a ribbon for Best of Breed bantam
- a ribbon for Reserve of Breed bantam
- a ribbon for Best of Breed large fowl
- a ribbon for Reserve of Breed large fowl
Only club members are eligible for awards offered by the club and Ameraucana Exhibitor Points.
Members receive quarterly Ameraucana Newsletters and are registered members of the Ameraucana Forum. New, 1st time members receive an Ameraucana Handbook. Yearly dues are $10 (Newsletters emailed) or $17 (Newsletters mailed). We also offer a Special rate of just $25 for 3 years with Newsletters emailed.
Go to our website for more details and a membership form or request one from:
Michael Muenks, 33878 Hwy 87, California, MO 65018
Ameraucana Breeders Club Meet
To sign up use our show form.
Questions? Contact:
Find us online:
ASA Tabletop State Meet
ASA Judge Phil Bartz
To sign up use our show form.
Questions? Contact:
Barbara Morgan, 843-494-2324
Find us online:
American Silkie Bantam Club State Meet
District Director: Ken Splett
Awards offered by District 5 are:
- Best of Breed & Reserve of Breed
- Best and Reserve Silkie shown by a Youth
District 5 includes the following:
Oregon, Canada, N. Dakota, S. Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Washington, Idaho & Alaska
Find us online:
- Email:
- Website:
The Marans Club District Meet & Egg Show
President Mindy Waters
Region 6 Director
Find us online:
Russian Orloff Pre-Qualifying State Meet
APA Standard of Perfection
They will be judged on form and condition.
They will not compete for Best in Show, but we will have Rosettes for Best and Reserve and Flat ribbons for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Places
Questions? Contact:
Find us online:
National Call Breeders of America State Meet
To sign up use our show form.
Questions? Contact:
Dawn Lytle, District 9 Director/Vice President
Find us online:
Sponsors Needed
We are seeking sponsors for our special awards. Please use our Contact Us form if you would like to sponsor an award!
Or click the button below to make a donation directly through our website. Please include the reason for your donation in the "notes" field.
In order to take part in any of these meets, register for our event either by downloading the attached form below, or use our online form at the link below: