- This show is run under APA rules.
- Corrections and substitutions may be made before cooping-in. Please email Kimberly for corrections or substitutes raleykm@gmail.com.
- Wil will not accept any entry from a quarantined area.
- We will not accept fighting cocks in our show.
- All birds entered must stay the duration of the show.
- Feed and water will be available, please take care of your own birds.
- Photo contest, chili cook off, and youth activities will be judged by audience participation, look for your “ballot” in your exhibitor packets, or if you are not showing birds, pick them up at the secretary’s desk.
- Show committee officials may remove any bird showing signs of bugs or disease and such bird will not be judged.
- Wading pools will be available for waterfowl to clean up at the show. We only ask that you clean the pool after you use it.
- Sales coops are available and must be pre-ordered with your entry.
We reserve the right to add to these rules.
Last updated: February 7, 2025